
Since the mid-1960's we produce high-quality mini golf balls for tournaments. We create the recipes of all the mini golf balls ourselves, so that we now have an archive of thousands and thousands of recipes that we guard carefully. Therefore, we are able to produce the properties of the raw material in the finest nuances and reproduce ball-legends. Some of the most important series of high-quality mini golf balls, which are sold by association of dealers you you can see below. No sales to players here at Ingolstadt-factory.

WH-Ball series - known for the light balls
First Class KG
Original Wagner balls
WH-Ball series - known for the light balls First Class KG Original Wagner balls
Euro Golf series
MR-Ball Series
Ravensburg Ball Series
Euro Golf series

MR-Ball Series

Ravensburg Ball Series
System Golf Ball Series
Top Ten Ball series
Special Editions of all price ranges
System Golf Ball Series Top Ten Ball series Special Editions of all price ranges
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